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If you’re planning to study in South Korea, or if you’re already there and looking to improve your English skills, knowing the common English phrases and vocabulary used in South Korea can be really handy. From ordering food to asking for directions, it’s essential to know how to communicate effectively while you’re in the country. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most important and commonly used English words and phrases that can help you navigate your way around South Korea.



1. 教育相关

  • Course: 课程

  • Semester: 学期

  • Grades: 成绩

  • Internship: 实习

  • Professor: 教授

  • Department: 系

  • Library: 图书馆

2. 住宿相关

  • Hotel: 酒店

  • Hostel: 宿舍

  • Apartment: 公寓

  • Roommate: 室友

  • Utilities: 公共事业

  • Security: 保安

3. 交通相关

  • Train: 火车

  • Bus: 公交车

  • Taxi: 出租车

  • Bike: 自行车

  • Airport: 机场

  • Terminal: 航站楼

4. 餐饮相关

  • Restaurant: 餐厅

  • Cafe: 咖啡馆

  • Food: 食物

  • Burger: 汉堡

  • Noodle: 面条

  • Dessert: 甜点

5. 购物相关

  • Shop: 商店

  • Market: 市场

  • Brand: 品牌

  • Product: 商品

  • Price: 价格

  • Currency: 货币

6. 通讯相关

  • Phone: 手机

  • Internet: 互联网

  • Mobile: 手机网络

  • Data: 数据

  • Signal: 信号

7. 娱乐相关

  • Movie: 电影

  • Music: 音乐

  • Tour: 游览

  • Park: 公园

  • Sport: 运动

8. 医疗保健相关

  • Doctor: 医生

  • Hospital: 医院

  • Medication: 药物

  • Prescription: 处方

  • Healthcare: 医疗保健


Let’s say you’re in Korea to improve your English and you want to visit a local restaurant. You can simply say, “I’d like to make a reservation for two at 7 pm.” This phrase translates to “我想预订一张两人桌,晚上7点。” It’s clear and polite, and it shows you’re comfortable using English in a real-life situation.


In conclusion, knowing these common English phrases and vocabulary will definitely help you feel more confident when navigating your way around South Korea. Whether you’re studying, traveling, or just trying to get by, having the right words and phrases can make a huge difference. So, let’s practice and use them whenever we can.



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